Private Beta

PIARA Beta release. This is our "Hello World!". And we have a lot to say!This version has capabilities to collect, store, enrich and distribute the intelligence.It is ideal for researchers, investigators and even journalist who have to deal with mixed data including technical indicators, natural language and media.


This is what you can do with this version of PIARA:

Extract, Enrich, Store and Alert

Get data from Telegram, Tor or the web and enrich it with translation* and OCR.
Next, setup alerts for keywords and get notifications to email, Zulip or Wickr Pro.

Store and Distribute

Push IoCs from your sensors to PIARA and distribute them via TAXII 2.x or PIARA's API.


Here is the list of reasons why to use PIARA:

STIX 2.x & TAXII 2.x compatibility

Structured Threat Information Expression (STIX™) is a language and serialization format used to exchange cyber threat intelligence.Trusted Automated Exchange of Intelligence Information (TAXII™) is an application layer protocol for the communication of cyber threat information in a simple and scalable manner.STIX and TAXII provide a common language and protocol for threat data exchange.It allows PIARA to work with many other security tools and services and enhances threat correlation and analysis by consolidating data from diverse sources.

Mesh architecture

It improves scalability, resilience, access to data and flexibility.
Each deployment of PIARA could connect to another PIARA and use it as an additional data source.

Integration with external data by design

PIARA could schedule ingest of data from external data lakes to process it.
Another option is to run queries on external data lakes directly from PIARA.

Integration with OpenAI

You can interact with OpenAI* directly from PIARA.
* Requires OpenAI API key, which must be purchased separately.

Integration with machine translation

PIARA excels at extracting intelligence from natural language, even when processing very large volumes of data. To streamline this process, PIARA offers integration with two machine translation solutions. Users have the flexibility to utilize both simultaneously, select one, or opt for none if manual translation is preferred and resources for it are available.Currently, PIARA supports integration with SYSTRAN Pure Neural® Server* (including dynamic update of translation memories) and Azure Cognitive Services*.* Requires respective licenses, which must be purchased separately.

Data export

Export to DOCX, CSV, JSON right from the search dashboard or from detailed object view.
Both single and batch exports are available.

Graph data visualization

Visualize relationships among STIX objects.

Advanced query builder

Advanced query builder provides a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of constructing complex queries.

Save and share queries

Saving queries eliminates the need to recreate complex queries from scratch every time they are needed.
Saved queries can be shared with other team members or collaborators, facilitating collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Alerts about new results in saved queries

Alerts provide the ability to monitor saved queries automatically and receive notifications as soon as new results are available. This enables users to stay updated on changes in the data without manually executing queries or repeatedly checking for updates.Alerts can be shared among team members, ensuring that relevant stakeholders are notified of new query results.

Data Access Control

Specify which data users have access to.

System’s features access control

PIARA administrators are able to finely manage and customize user permissions, granting or restricting access to specific features based on roles and responsibilities.

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